kali ini saya ingin bercerita tentang teman-teman sekelas ku haha waktu itu kelasku sedang tidak ada guru, lalu seperti biasa kelasku anak-anaknya rada-rada gila, kami membuat permainan memukul kayu dan genteng haha yang bermain hanya henry dan nandar. ternyata di antara mereka yang paling kuat hanya henry haha salah bukan henry tapi nandar, henry mah mukul kayu aja ga bisa kebelah haha lalu ketika nandar sudah selesai memukul genteng dan akhirnya kebelah wuhuuuuuu keren sekali. lalu tangannya mengalami pendarahan yang sangat banyak. serem ih darah bercucuran hha tapi dia bilang ga kenapa2. yasudah kita seneng ngeliat nandar kuat seperti ade Ray haha ini ada beberapa videonya
Minggu, 21 Februari 2010
vacation in Bogor again
I want to tell it this time hahaha last Saturday I went to Bogor again, ordinary occasion, my mother as a committee tour my sister school. so I go there hihi we headed to the park the sun. Our streets and see the various games such as whitewater rafting. If we were not there long because the weather was overcast, and then we headed to a restaurant named cimory restaurant. sanagt food there was delicious and very beautiful place because I could see the mountains and others. I also saw a lot of people overseas have hihi yes my story, just a little kok, dadaaaaaaah

fela, mwah ♥

fela, mwah ♥
it make me sad again and again
hello. I just had time to write another post on my blogger. I want to tell the interesting events I have experienced in this month. on 14 february valentine's day, was one my friend said he loved me, because I've known him a long time, I finally accepted him. and later that night, my father bought me a new laptop. thanks uaaaa dear father. then on Thursday, it was a very pleasant day at the same time sad. because the mr.F late come to school, my grade school located in a corner, and right in front of my class is a class that is more in the wake, so there is a wall hole that could make the children who could go late to school. first of all my seniors, wrote named Isaac, he came to my class and gave me his bag to be left. suddenly as I sat in front of my class, the mr.F came with his bag, looking puzzled he looked around, and he spoke "fel, I dropped my bag" and I replied "yes". then he went to class without using the bag. suddenly my teacher, then I take his bag into the classroom, and I put on my bench. I'm sad and happy, I was sad when I saw his bag. then suddenly he comes and I say "briefly, later. was a teacher" and he went to his class again, and then pass a math test I was, he appeared in the window class, then I say "later". then he left. finally test done, I was talking with my friend in front of the classroom teacher's desk, suddenly my friend called Mella, hitting my buttocks. then I was shocked and immediately turned to the left, it turns out there are laughing at mr.F my pain huhu. I was embarrassed but glad to see him laugh. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his eyes. then he said: "Where are my bags?" then I say, "oh yes, in the back hehe" and we walk together into the back of the class, I say "this bag, sorry under the table hehe oh yes, sorry to go, too" but he was silent, and I say again "should you bring the books first and then bag " but he was silent and soon than he says" thank ya fel:)" he said with a smile, then i replied " okay "and I'm way forward class. my gods, I really miss him, but then I already had a boyfriend huhu. My old wounds reopened. I cried in front of my friends to tell this thing. and my friend sang a few songs that make me cry, because it can make me calm. I finally calm down and come home from school with my boyfriend. yes the story makes me miss him more now, I have to forget. help me ....
fela, mwah ♥
fela, mwah ♥
Minggu, 14 Februari 2010
vacation in Bogor
halooo bloggers. I came back :) today I want to talk about the holiday on Saturday, the 13th of february 2009. previous plan's not a holiday, but met with relatives of my sister's boyfriend. there the weather is very cold, the fog was still plasticity. and I was wrong costume-_-it was very stupid, I'm wearing short pants, and shirts. should not I use the closed huhu clothing. I went to a safari park, where I saw many kinds of animals from fierce to funny. we saw the animals up close, so we saw him use the car, I'm very happy to see it and go into the forest areas and mountains

then we were all to where a little far from the entrance, we'll see a show cowboy. It is very interesting and amazing! we are in should not be asked to stand and noisy because it would interfere with the concentration of the players that cowboy. After that we walked down again, I really feel cold at all, then I bought a cup of hot coffee and a cup of hot chocolate. so delicious: 9 was not long before we parted with the others, and I took a walk alone with my sister. suddenly I saw a souvenir shop, I buy a lot of stuff in there, and there is one that makes me happy, which is stuffed giraffe. uuuuhh very cute doll that giraffe. and I gave the name "jepy" haha. I do not insert images into jepy my laptop, sometime I'll tell to you

fast time passed, we finally came home, before we left, we saw many monkeys around hihi. I fed them, namely snacks. turns out they also love the snack yaaa hihi.

it was night, we finally came home. a very pleasant day hihi
♥, fela

then we were all to where a little far from the entrance, we'll see a show cowboy. It is very interesting and amazing! we are in should not be asked to stand and noisy because it would interfere with the concentration of the players that cowboy. After that we walked down again, I really feel cold at all, then I bought a cup of hot coffee and a cup of hot chocolate. so delicious: 9 was not long before we parted with the others, and I took a walk alone with my sister. suddenly I saw a souvenir shop, I buy a lot of stuff in there, and there is one that makes me happy, which is stuffed giraffe. uuuuhh very cute doll that giraffe. and I gave the name "jepy" haha. I do not insert images into jepy my laptop, sometime I'll tell to you

fast time passed, we finally came home, before we left, we saw many monkeys around hihi. I fed them, namely snacks. turns out they also love the snack yaaa hihi.

it was night, we finally came home. a very pleasant day hihi
♥, fela
Senin, 01 Februari 2010
memories of the first time I knew him
this is my sad story about him.
he left me alone in here.
initially, I liked him from the first I saw him. I told everything to my friend. then, my friend listened to all my story. turns out he has a phone number someone I love. and i'm very happy because i have a phone number someone who i like. then suddenly, i called him and i didn't dare speak to him via telephone. the next day, when i saw my cell phone, i have 1 missed call from him. i was very surprised and shocked. then i message him and said "who's this?" i knew it was his number but i'm ashamed. but it turned out, he did not reply my message. i was very sad. but suddenly my phone rang. when i saw it was from him. oh God, i was so glad he called me! but i didn't dare to lift his phone from him because i was ashamed. he continued call me to 10 times. finally, i raise and said "hello?" he also said "hello? who's this?". in my heart, i feel very happy, and i said "lah! is who? you called me first" then he said "your number in my handphone, then who are you?" finally i told him "i am felani, and who are you?" he suddenly closed the telephone. huaa!! i was sad but happy too (((: since then he has always called me, but i never raised his call. until finally we are not related by telephone.
on one day, during school holidays. he message me. he said "fel, when are we going to school?" and i said "next week, monday. did you not know?" and since then we always in touch via sms, everyday. he's very funny, we always joked together. he was very caring to me. he also always called me, when when I lifted his phone, he never spoke. when i called him, he said he never call me. haha he was probably joking. when on 10, in january 2010. i related to him via sms. We talked about our school, because today is the last day of our vacation. i hope we are always in touch via sms, but it was only a dream. when on 11 january, i message him, but he did not return. i think maybe he didn't have a pulse. it was continued until now. he did not contact me again. if we met, we would no talk to each other. we like people who do not know each other. until now we didn't connect again. sometimes i cry because i miss him. i always miss him although he did not miss me. i will not forget it. now, i really hate the date 10. it was my sad story, sorry if there are mistakes words, because i am not good at engglish hehe
♥, fela mwach
he left me alone in here.
initially, I liked him from the first I saw him. I told everything to my friend. then, my friend listened to all my story. turns out he has a phone number someone I love. and i'm very happy because i have a phone number someone who i like. then suddenly, i called him and i didn't dare speak to him via telephone. the next day, when i saw my cell phone, i have 1 missed call from him. i was very surprised and shocked. then i message him and said "who's this?" i knew it was his number but i'm ashamed. but it turned out, he did not reply my message. i was very sad. but suddenly my phone rang. when i saw it was from him. oh God, i was so glad he called me! but i didn't dare to lift his phone from him because i was ashamed. he continued call me to 10 times. finally, i raise and said "hello?" he also said "hello? who's this?". in my heart, i feel very happy, and i said "lah! is who? you called me first" then he said "your number in my handphone, then who are you?" finally i told him "i am felani, and who are you?" he suddenly closed the telephone. huaa!! i was sad but happy too (((: since then he has always called me, but i never raised his call. until finally we are not related by telephone.
on one day, during school holidays. he message me. he said "fel, when are we going to school?" and i said "next week, monday. did you not know?" and since then we always in touch via sms, everyday. he's very funny, we always joked together. he was very caring to me. he also always called me, when when I lifted his phone, he never spoke. when i called him, he said he never call me. haha he was probably joking. when on 10, in january 2010. i related to him via sms. We talked about our school, because today is the last day of our vacation. i hope we are always in touch via sms, but it was only a dream. when on 11 january, i message him, but he did not return. i think maybe he didn't have a pulse. it was continued until now. he did not contact me again. if we met, we would no talk to each other. we like people who do not know each other. until now we didn't connect again. sometimes i cry because i miss him. i always miss him although he did not miss me. i will not forget it. now, i really hate the date 10. it was my sad story, sorry if there are mistakes words, because i am not good at engglish hehe
♥, fela mwach
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